The JMB-M hot water high pressure washer knows a varied applicability, certainly in places where there is no electricity, due to its on-board power source and self-contained operation. This JMB-M is equipped with the latest green technologies, like our very own GreenBoiler, which provides a considerable fuel saving. Likewise the Intercooling system, where water from the tank is used for engine cooling and preheating through the heat exchanger, creates a fuel saving of 15% for the burner. Moreover, the diesel engine is cooled even more by means of a supplementary air cooling system for the engine compartment. Keeping in mind the environment, we installed an auto-stop system as to make the engine stop when there is no cleaning activity for 30 minutes. What’s more, it is possible to clean at less than 85dB because the trailer is completely closed during the work. The green idea of DiBO returns repeatedly: like in the green coloured aerodynamic polyethylene case, which can be opened completely.
Standard Ausrüstung
Hire Costs For JMB-M
£450 Weekly
£405 Per Week 1+ Months
£360 Per Week 3+ Months
£315 Per Week 6+ Months
Delivery Costs may vary
Contact Us For More Information
Phone - 0116 286 9126
Email - Info@cleangreenpressurewashers.co.uk
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NA6 4 Keramikkolbenpumpe mit 80°C Einlasstemperatur
Robustes und robustes Design mit 30 mm Stahlrahmen
Optimale Aufbewahrung und Transport durch klappbaren Griff und einfache Hebepunkte
Hohe Mobilität mit großen Hinterrädern und Vorderrad cast
Leichte Zugänglichkeit zur Pumpe, optimales Servicekonzept
Ergonomisches Zubehörkonzept
Durchflussgesteuertes Kontrollsystem
Sicherheitsfunktion für niedrigen Pumpenölstand
Product Features

Product Specification